GENERATED: JAN 12,2023 - 12:50PM
TYPE 4 UCR SERVER - PEOPLE [V10.23.01. 27.00]

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This application demonstrates TCP/IP connectivity with a browser or with a Clarion client application using HNDHttp or HNDClient classes.

In this particular example, application functionality has been limited to acting as a dynamic data, page server and providing several example UCR$ (User Custom Request) procedure calls that may be called from any HTML web browser, desktop, tablet or phone.

This server was branched from HNDSLFSV.APP to demonstrate building dynamic-data web pages based on CHT XML2HTMLGEN techniques. Take note that it has had it's default base page changed from INDEX.HTML to PEOPLEBROWSE.UCR. This is still a TYPE 4 server, however, because these UCR$ requests do not require prior authentication against a server password or against a user file. Page transactions with this server do not require prior login, and do not operate on a SESSION identifier.

This server utilizes a function called AutoGenHTMLFromXML_VER02 exported from HNDXML2HTMLGEN.APP to convert standard CHT XML template files into HTML. This is the same functionality that triggers an HTML file to be generated from CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE when the "Preview" menu key is clicked.

Calling any one of this server's specialized UCR$ functions, triggers the return of a dynamic data page based on one of CHT's .XML page templates.

Data rows inserted into a temporary copy of "000peoplebrowse.xml" file before processing to an HTML file, are read from a TPS file called "HNDO.TPS" which contains, a table called "PEOPLE".

Count Global Template Name Qty Global Template Description
(0001) AACHTControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AACHTControlPanel - CHT Global Control Panel (hndtools.tpl)
(0002) ApplicationImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationImagesEx - CHT Application Styling System
(0003) ApplicationSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0004) FieldLevelValidationCode(HNDTools) 1 © CHT FieldLevelValidationCode - Inserts field level validation code directly from your dictionary.
(0005) GlobalIncludeHNDBinIOFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDBinIOFunctions - Configuration Classes - HNDBinFileIO - globally to your application.
(0006) GlobalIncludeHNDDiskFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDDiskFunctions - Disk classes - HNDDisk - globally to your application.
(0007) GlobalIncludeHNDSnapCallFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDSnapCallFunctions - CHT Snap Call Classes - HNDSnapCall - globally to your application.
(0008) HNDCMPControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Project Builder Support - Interface to the CHT Project Builder.
(0009) HandyVersionResource(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyVersionResource - Version Resource/Build Number Information To EXE
(0010) INIFile(HNDTools) 1 © CHT INIFile - .INI FIle and Registry extension classes - HNDIni - globally to your application.
(0011) VblFileNames(HNDTools) 1 © CHT VblFileNames - Incorporate variable file names and defaults into your app from the dictionary.
(11) Global Templates Found

1 - Procedure Template Type: HandySourceProcedure
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0012) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0013) EmbedStandardWebPageHeaderShort(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedStandardWebPageHeaderShort - Assists with building a BASIC static web page header program
(2) Local Templates Found In AutoGenHTMLFromXML_VER_NOT_USED

2 - Procedure Template Type: Splash
JumpStartSplashCHTBlue ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0014) AppBuildDateTimeStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildDateTimeStamp - An application build date/time stamp.
(0015) AppBuildNumberStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildNumberStamp - An application build number or version stamp.
(0016) AppCopyRightStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppCopyRightStamp - An application copyright stamp.
(0017) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0018) HandyTellMeControl(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyTellMeControl - Text box control to provide a message or help text.
(0019) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0020) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(7) Local Templates Found In JumpStartSplashCHTBlue

3 - Procedure Template Type: HandySourceProcedure
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0021) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0022) EmbedStandardWebPageHeaderShort(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedStandardWebPageHeaderShort - Assists with building a BASIC static web page header program
(2) Local Templates Found In AutoGenHTMLFromXML_VER_NOCOPY

4 - Procedure Template Type: Source
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0023) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0024) HandyFileViewBuilder(HNDTools) 1 © ndyFileViewBuilder - Primary = People
(2) Local Templates Found In XML2HTMLPeopleROForm

5 - Procedure Template Type: Source
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0025) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0026) HandyFileViewBuilder(HNDTools) 1 © ndyFileViewBuilder - Primary = People
(2) Local Templates Found In XML2HTMLPeopleEDTForm

6 - Procedure Template Type: Source
XML2HTMLPeopleBrowse (STRING xTempXML, STRING xFinalHTML, STRING xPinValue, LONG xOrderParam=1), STRING, PROC
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0027) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0028) HandyFileViewBuilder(HNDTools) 1 © ndyFileViewBuilder - Primary = People
(2) Local Templates Found In XML2HTMLPeopleBrowse

7 - Procedure Template Type: Window
ServerMain ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0029) AppStartSplashProcedure(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppStartSplashProcedure - Application Splash screen earlier with an option for threaded/unthre
(0030) BrowserServerInitializationControls(HNDTools) 1 © CHT BrowserServerInitializationControls - Install CHT Browser/Client Server Initialization Control
(0031) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0032) EmbedBrowserServer(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedBrowserServer - VM An Instance Of: HNDViewManager
(0033) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0034) HandyApplicationIniFetch(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyApplicationIniFetch - Embed a fetch from the Application INI file or Windows registry.(13
(0035) HandyApplicationIniPut(HNDTools) 2 © CHT HandyApplicationIniPut - Embed a PUT to the Application INI file or Windows registry.(17)
(0036) HandyHelpWhatsNew(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyHelpWhatsNew - Build A What's New Request To Your Website.(12)
(0037) HandyToolBarGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyToolBarGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window toolbar.
(0038) HandyWindowGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyWindowGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window.
(0039) PostControlEvent(HNDTools) 3 © CHT Post an event to a control in a local window(11)
(0040) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0041) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0042) ServerFileHandlingOverrides(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ServerFileHandlingOverrides - Override default CHT Server file handling settings.
(0043) VisitMeControl_EWF(HNDTools) 1 © CHT VisitMeControl_EWF - Mouseover hyperlink to your web site - Requires EmbedWindowFunctions Temp
(15) Local Templates Found In ServerMain

Copyright © 1996-2023 - CHT Version: [27A.02.00]
Gus M. Creces, CHT (Clarion Handy Tools)
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Application Templates