GENERATED: JAN 12,2023 - 12:51PM
HNDMAILCDO EXAMPLE [V10.23.01. 27.00]

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This application demonstrates the CHT global template called ApplicationSnapIns.

This global template provides an interface to your application whereby several "Snap-In" or "Batch-Bot" components may be incorporated.

This application illustrates CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE and HNDMAILCDO.EXE.

CHT "Batch-Bots" like HNDMAILCDO.EXE provide various functionalies, that can be used standalone from the DOS prompt , from a DOS BATCH file, or programmatically from a Clarion application. The above "Snap-Ins/Batch-Bots" provide text editing and SMTP-style email, respectively.

Procedure-level button control templates are provided for each of the "Snap-In" executables in order to pass information to them and launch them from your application, seamlessly, just like dll-based procedures. Button templates are: SnapEditStartButton and BotCDOStartButton.


Count Global Template Name Qty Global Template Description
(0001) AACHTControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AACHTControlPanel - CHT Global Control Panel (hndtools.tpl)
(0002) AACHTControlPanelClose(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AACHTControlPanelClose - Global Control Panel (Close).
(0003) ApplicationImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationImagesEx - CHT Application Styling System
(0004) ApplicationSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0005) GlobalIncludeHNDSnapCallFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDSnapCallFunctions - CHT Snap Call Classes - HNDSnapCall - globally to your application.
(0006) HNDCMPControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Project Builder Support - Interface to the CHT Project Builder.
(0007) HandyVersionResource(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyVersionResource - Version Resource/Build Number Information To EXE
(0008) VblFileNames(HNDTools) 1 © CHT VblFileNames - Incorporate variable file names and defaults into your app from the dictionary.
(8) Global Templates Found

1 - Procedure Template Type: Splash
JumpStartSplash07 ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0009) AppBuildDateTimeStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildDateTimeStamp - An application build date/time stamp.
(0010) AppBuildNumberStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildNumberStamp - An application build number or version stamp.
(0011) AppCopyRightStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppCopyRightStamp - An application copyright stamp.
(0012) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0013) HandyTellMeControl(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyTellMeControl - Text box control to provide a message or help text.
(0014) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0015) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(7) Local Templates Found In JumpStartSplash07

2 - Procedure Template Type: Window
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0016) AppStartSplashProcedure(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppStartSplashProcedure - Application Splash screen earlier with an option for threaded/unthre
(0017) BotCDOStartButton(HNDTools) 1 © CHT BotCDOStartButton - Button that starts CHT HNDMAILCDO.EXE Batch-Bot
(0018) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0019) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0020) HandyApplicationIniPut(HNDTools) 4 © CHT HandyApplicationIniPut - Embed a PUT to the Application INI file or Windows registry.(14)
(0021) HandyHelpWhatsNew(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyHelpWhatsNew - Build A What's New Request To Your Website.(11)
(0022) HandyToolBarGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyToolBarGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window toolbar.
(0023) HandyWindowGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyWindowGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window.
(0024) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0025) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0026) ResizeHandles(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ResizeHandles - Attach "grip-style" resize handles to any window.
(0027) SnapEditStartButton(HNDTools) 1 © CHT SnapEditStartButton - Button that starts CHT SnapEdit Utility
(12) Local Templates Found In MAIN

3 - Procedure Template Type: Browse
SelectEmailAddresses (<STRING xCaption>), STRING, PROC
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0028) BrowseBox(ABC) 1 Browse on WindowsMailTps ()
(0029) BrowseUpdateButtons(ABC) 1 Update a Record from Browse Box on WindowsMailTps
(0030) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0031) CloseButton(ABC) 1 Close the Window
(0032) EmbedDiskFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedDiskFunctions - Disk Functions Classes - HDisk An Instance Of: HNDDisk
(0033) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0034) HandyMarkerBrowse(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyMarkerBrowse - Explorer-like ABC browse with record marking on table: WindowsMailTps
(0035) HandyMarkerBrowseOneColumnQueryControl(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyMarkerBrowseOneColumnQueryControl - Attach a CHT single column query control to your Clar
(0036) HandyToolBarGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyToolBarGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window toolbar.
(0037) HandyWindowGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyWindowGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window.
(0038) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0039) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0040) ResizeHandles(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ResizeHandles - Attach "grip-style" resize handles to any window.
(13) Local Templates Found In SelectEmailAddresses

Copyright © 1996-2023 - CHT Version: [27A.02.00]
Gus M. Creces, CHT (Clarion Handy Tools)
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Application Templates